Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: The trip to Cambodia

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Saturday, February 12, 2005

The trip to Cambodia

Well visa runs, talk of cheap land, the ongoing Singaporisation of Thailand has led to a trip being planned to visit Cambodia. The Pest hasn't been there for 6 years...it wasn't what you would call a fun trip last time...Toul Sleng School (if you don't know what that is...you should do..try google) kinda made the trip a bit macabre. The whole wild west feel to Cambodia wasn't one that thrilled but I am told this time will be different. Phnom Penh for two nights in a decent enough hotel for 30$ a night then off to Sihanoukville where we are told that opportunities await... anyway a nice beach and opportunity to tan my arse is whats important... Consorting with the natives.......?


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