Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Bali Trip..The Balinese Master The Art Of Shooting Themselves In The Foot.

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Monday, November 28, 2005

Bali Trip..The Balinese Master The Art Of Shooting Themselves In The Foot.

Ok Da Wizard don't like obituary's but they have to be done from time to time. Just now I am bouncing through rain clouds heading back to Da Big Mango via Singapore after Thai Airways cancelled my flight as they didn't have sufficient passengers. I particularly loathe Garuda whose atrocious food should only be fed to suicide bombers. Fortunately I fly Singapore to Bangkok on Thai and should be in Patpong goating by midnight.

Bali is dying right now. The fuel increases have meant the locals are leaving their cars at home so traffic is light and almost pleasant .

Restaurants are deserted as tourists and locals await the next installment of death by Islam. Extra security is as visible as it is farcicle but the Balinese war drums are starting to beat as the Police are beings swept away by vigilantes whose incompetence is even greater than the very police they replace. The police are currently on a daily basis kicking down the doors of Expats to find drugs , not for any moral reason other than the thirty to fifty thousand dollars they demand each time they find ANYTHING from a valium upwards.

Six reported rapes of Westerner's , four murders and countless armed robberies just in South Bali make this behaviour by the Pigs that bit more abhorrent. I watched in disgust at the Arena bar in Sanur as these animals drank and sang karaoke searching for other ways to extort money from the westerner's there before they left to rut with under age girls stored in Sanur's notorious houses of ill repute.

Immigration of course are hot on the trail of money too as the fuel prices bite and expats that for twenty years have called Bali their home are talking about packing up as they are tired of paying bribes that eventually choke their businesses to death.

Our business is blooming there on Monkey Island but I am fortunate to have great partners who can tolerate living in that environment. I hope that it may long continue but longevity of anything and Indonesia rarely go hand in hand.

Humour is not really flourishing on the Island of greed and fun is soon to be made illegal. Despite my bias I have to feel some of the pain the normal people are now feeling, but their ignorance of their own avarice and the belief that 'more tourists will come' may mean that this pain is a bitter but required pill as Indonesia drags itself into the modern world.

Can't wait to land in Bangkok and swap some fluids with one of ma goats! It seems that Ralph has been chowing down on one of her surveyors Joy since I have been away. What a monster I have created.


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