Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Patpong , Prostitutes and being Pathetic

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Patpong , Prostitutes and being Pathetic

Now regular readers will know my views on having relationships with Patpong Princesses and their ilke. Anyone who does it is a fool and deserves all the horrors that befall him.

So...... guess what has happened???? Ashamed as I am to announce to the world but one has got to me!!! I thought it was just someone to go party with, a very lovely piece of jewellery but nothing more than that! Ass you all know they CANNOT be more than that..... but then can you believe? What I thought was just Jack and Jill talking, started to rear its ugly head when sober and cool. So now Da Wizard has Ralph (bless her) , his number 2 (bless her too) and now is in love with a Goat who makes her living dancing on a pole and having sex. A common whore!!!

Don't like using that L word and I suspect strongly that my other famous phrase " I love you no shit! But when the shit starts I don't love you!" will come into play real soon 'cos the shit will start it always does.

So what the hell am I playing at? There is no future in this at all. I have Ralph and this Go Go Goat aint gonna stop whoring so why the hell am I even allowing this to poison my blog? Well its a lesson to us all.... if we play in the Viper pit sometimes you is gonna get bit however clever you may think you are. This will all end in tears and I doubt very much it will be hers.

So who is she? How the hell do I know? They have a Pandoras box under their beds of lies that have never been told before so my factual knowledge is sparse and about as reliable as the WMD evidence that George W relied on.

All I do know is that I am in dire need of a good kick in the arse. I am sure it will come sooner than I imagine. Homer reckons she is genuine, she isn't asking me for money (yet) but has also made it clear 100% that she fully intends to pursue her chosen career path.

I am off to Phuket on Friday to get away from the party and to consider the meaning of life which we know is actually 42.


Blogger gemdealer said...

Stunning???? Mmmmmmm ya she wouldn't be the most beautiful but ya she is up there. Hey there are loads of beauties it takes more than just that. Wah the whole thing is ridiculous... I am going to Sukhumvit now to the pub (where I never go) cos I don't wanna go and watch ma new Goat dance!!! Sad bastard I am. Pathetic pathetic pathetic.

4:06 am  
Blogger Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

sounds like you're in deep doo-doo now. :o

8:14 am  
Blogger xianfu said...

...."p... LOl...anyway, it gives me a nice read though.. Do check out my blog..Merry Christmas..Best Wishes..xian

11:53 am  
Blogger roxyfoxy said...

whats wrong with making a living dancing on a pole ? and if you think about it all women are whores !

12:04 pm  
Blogger Cooper said...

Looks like you are looking for love in all the wrong places.

10:47 am  
Blogger Queen Esther said...

i agree with song. if she's as bad as you say she is, what's da wizard doing with her? and what on earth does she look like?

10:36 pm  
Blogger gemdealer said...

I also agree with Song.... I will post some pics of her tomorrow. I also agree with song about the black magic stuff too. Happens a lot and as I believe in it (seen it with my own eyes) this makes more succeptable to it.
Havn't posted yet as its a bit sensitive in ma hoose right now still as Ralph hates her.

11:04 pm  

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