Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Monday, April 28, 2003

Well had a great day with friends. Spent the day playing pool and drinking ice cold beer. Nice to be alive. Heard about there being more bombs in Jakarta yesterday. Indonesia had best get its act together and deal with the Islamic problems there. When I was last in JKT late last year I was dumbfounded that there were so many arabs staying there now. Apparantly there is an unusual amount of arabs now teaching Islam in the villages. Not good news for anyone.
Just got an email about SARS saying that drugs for it could be available within 3 months.
Here it is:-

First drug to be ready 'within months'
By Mark Henderson, Science Correspondent

THE first drug to combat the Sars virus could be available for
treating patients within months, after new research in the United

Early trials at the US National Institutes of Health suggest that the
antiviral therapy, developed by AVI BioPharma in Oregon, is highly
effective at killing the coronavirus that is thought to cause Sars.

If the full results, which are expected in two weeks, confirm the
findings, the drug could be given to patients within "months rather
than years", Denis Burger, AVI's chief executive, told The Times

Bangkok is looking dark right now and looks like the rains is a comin'. I need to get back into being healthy and cut down on my alcohol intake. I only went to the gym once I think last week. I need to get moving on the 'diamonds for investment' work that we are doing as I need to stop worrying about money. It seems an almost daily occurence now and I am not happy about it. My new friend Irene in Malaysia's blog URL is http://mizwacky.blogspot.com . As she was so kind to help me post my first pic I think that she deserves to be read. Its a very pleasant blog so there and read some!!
Ok enough of this blogging malarchy its time to go and earn some money.... oh yeah!


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