Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: To Bali From Basil With Love....

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Saturday, March 11, 2006

To Bali From Basil With Love....

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by Da Wizard.

"Are the rumours true that Dennis Heggarty is gay true?" screams James. Last night CM2 was a great performance by the Bali contingent. James after singing "Flower of Scotland" collapsed on some non-hooker goat's table after drinking a tumbler of neat Absolut.
Fortunately Randy Gay was on hand to take care of the fat hairy hibernian holligan so Mark and Da Wizard could scoot to Patpong and indulge in the delights of Funky Dojo. Lets hope that Randy and James made it without getting locked up.

There is more news on Project Prostitute but I gotta decide if publishing it will cause Da Wizard problems or not. I think its just best that I tell a third party story about it in a few days so to cover my tracks if it all goes Pete Tong (which it normally does).

Suffice to say....Da Wizard is Back!


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