Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Muslims Still Rioting

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Monday, February 13, 2006

Muslims Still Rioting

Muslims throughout the world are still rioting and destroying Western interests throughout the world because of the cartoons depicting the mythical Mohammed.

I can understand them being pissed off.... but why are they not destroying Malaysian interests or Indonesian interests as these countries too have published the cartoons?

Also now Muslim newspapers are running Holocaust cartoon competitions.... do we see the Jews in London burning Muslim flags??????? No of course we don't.

Did we as Westerners riot when Islam killed 3000 people at the World Trade Center? No

And they still rioting and burning flags about a few cartoons?????

Pray tell me how can we have common ground with a religion that :-

a) Hates Mans Best Friend (Dogs).
b) Promotes Polygamy.. (immoral and illegal in our countries).
c) Belives that anyone who tries to evangelise or change the religion of a Muslim must be punished by death.

Love to have some comments about the above three points as these are not open to interpretation, rather they are facts that all Muslims will agree on.


Blogger Unknown said...

They hate dogs? Who could hate a dog?

8:35 am  
Blogger Peter Jacobs said...

I don`t like dogs, but I don`t hate them.
The problem with Islam is that it is literalist. If Christianity was still (or when it is) literalist, it`s no better.
Old religions are intolerant, cruel, inhumane and repressive. It`s a historical thing. The sooner we encourage these nonsensical, pointless and evil belief systems from our world, the sooner we will all live in peace.
I know that sounds naive and simplistic, but I also think it`s true...

6:03 am  
Blogger --josh-- said...

Many Muslims I know adore dogs.

Especially with peanut sauce.

11:21 am  
Blogger Food Hunter said...

I'm not sure about other countries but in Malaysia, no one is put to death for changing the religion of a Muslim. They are discouraged (long sermons with the religious teachers etc.) to do so but they still have that choice at the end of the day. There are cases of Muslim converting to other religion here.

10:24 pm  

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