Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Project Hooker...Latest Update

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Monday, February 06, 2006

Project Hooker...Latest Update

Da Wizard's dalliance with the hooker goat has progressed. Yes laugh you might but I have met the Goat's sister and brother in Law. Nice people who I suspect actually do realise how little sis' earns her keep............. or did so.

Yes in fit of insanity Da Wizard retired the Patpong Hooker and she is his financial responsibilty. Who would have believed that Da Wziard would so unceremoniusly break all his own rules? A trip to Erawan temple is coming and also to the Spritual Mentor in Bali who will spot the signs of any black magic or tricks that have been played.

The future for her??? Well no doubt she will fail in her quest to pull herself from the cockroach lifestyle that she chose but watch this space.... maybe she is the one who is different???

Ya Right :)


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