Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Please help me with these questions!

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Please help me with these questions!

Da Wizard thought that he needs the answer to some questions....so please can you all answer them in the comments boxes below? The questions are genuine and I hope your answers can be too.

1.Why in Asia do we see Western men mostly with Asian girls?

2. Why do we not see Western women with Asian men?

3. Why do relationships with Western women break down so often over here?

4. What do you as readers think about people that say 'Western women have gained rights but lost their femininity' and that is the reason why Western men prefer Asian girls?

5. How does the comment 'who wants to fuck a fat Western woman anyway?' make you feel? Is it a justified question?

6. Do readers of this blog think that Western women have stopped caring about their appearance? How do Western men and women feel when they see obese Westerners wearing a small top that exposes their midrift????

7. Would the fact that we don't see Western women with Asians or Westerners or Blacks mean that Western women have lost their relevance sexually?

Please help me by answering these questions as I wish to study world opinion on this matter. Presently there are 200 regular visitors to this blog so please answer down below.
Life might not be the party that we all though it would be....but now that we are here we might as well dance!!


Blogger Cooper said...

1. Why in Asia do we see Western men mostly with Asian girls? Obviously because Asian women do mind the perversion thereof

2. Why do we not see Western women with Asian men? You probably aren't looking.

3. Why do relationships with Western women break down so often 1over here? Who the hell knows?

4. What do you as readers think about people that say 'Western women have gained rights but lost their femininity' and that is the reason why Western men prefer Asian girls?
I prefer rights.

5. How does the comment 'who wants to fuck a fat Western woman anyway?' make you feel? Is it a justified question?
Not for me because I 'm not fat but I say who the fuck cares who you want to fuck or if you want to fuck western women, the only thing western women need to worry about is who they want to fuck.
6. Do readers of this blog think that Western women have stopped caring about their appearance? How do Western men and women feel when they see obese Westerners wearing a small top that exposes their midrift????
I could care less.

7. Would the fact that we don't see Western women with Asians or Westerners or Blacks mean that Western women have lost their relevance sexually?

I think it means that western women are more cognizant of the bacteria situation in Thailand.

I am also not a regular reader I have been here bfore but only when doing my weekly ten at blog explosion.

9:05 pm  
Blogger tempo dulu said...


L####e B###n F###ing Machines

No normal man can refuse.

10:30 pm  
Blogger Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

My personal takes - based on my experiences working with expats, working for expats, having expat friend AND dating expat men.

1.Why in Asia do we see Western men mostly with Asian girls?
Because the Expat women I have met want expat men. Only. For whatever reason. Who knows? But we seem them mostly with Northern Indians.

2. Why do we not see Western women with Asian men?
Same as #1

3. Why do relationships with Western women break down so often over here?
Because Western women are perceived to be more abrasive and asian women perceived to be "softer".

4. What do you as readers think about people that say 'Western women have gained rights but lost their femininity' and that is the reason why Western men prefer Asian girls?
Totally agree - but this is a generalisation. Just the ones I see here in Singapore. And my numerous friends whose marriages ended up in divorce.

5. How does the comment 'who wants to fuck a fat Western woman anyway?' make you feel? Is it a justified question? This one is strange. Some asian women can be chubby. Myself included. But if you're talking about 300 pounds fat.... then... hey! race is not an issue! the poundage is!

6. Do readers of this blog think that Western women have stopped caring about their appearance?
How do Western men and women feel when they see obese Westerners wearing a small top that exposes their midrift????
I'd say the same as when we see obese Asians drssing that way too, eh?

7. Would the fact that we don't see Western women with Asians or Westerners or Blacks mean that Western women have lost their relevance sexually?
Not at all. They just need men who can take their kind of sexuality.

Personally? I think bloody feminism has a lot to answer for. One can be feminine, still treat her man well, and still retain her own sense of dignity and worth as a person. And I'd like to think I do that well.

5:53 am  
Blogger Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Here's the other side, taken from a rampant argument that went on in someone else's blog. And my take on things.


6:00 am  
Blogger ozymandiaz said...

1.Why in Asia do we see Western men mostly with Asian girls?
Because of the pervasive asian sexual atmosphere of female permissiveness, a male dominate society where only his needs are essential.

2. Why do we not see Western women with Asian men?
They do not easily succumb to the aformentioned sexual/social constraints

3. Why do relationships with Western women break down so often over here?
Again, in a society so mired in female sexual subservience, female independance, and the expressed need for female satisfaction is conflictory.

4. What do you as readers think about people that say 'Western women have gained rights but lost their femininity' and that is the reason why Western men prefer Asian girls?
What they call femininity is subservience.

5. How does the comment 'who wants to fuck a fat Western woman anyway?' make you feel? Is it a justified question?
It's a stupid question. Only in the last century has fat become sexually undesireable, and that not for all cultures. Only where the imposed slim supermodel version of femininity is imposed.

6. Do readers of this blog think that Western women have stopped caring about their appearance? How do Western men and women feel when they see obese Westerners wearing a small top that exposes their midrift????
No they have not. The emphasis, though, changes with pop cultre. There is no iconclast figurine portaying femininity any longer. It sways to and fro with an industry driven media.

7. Would the fact that we don't see Western women with Asians or Westerners or Blacks mean that Western women have lost their relevance sexually?
No it does not. It means those men are hanging on to antiquated sexual ideals. As long as there are cultures that foster those ideals, though, they will find women succumbing to them. Don't forget, this is a world that still fosters ritual female mutilation to ensure that women don't enjoy sex.

7:27 am  
Blogger Deb said...

1. No idea. Is there a higher ratio of WM:AW there?
2. I've heard they have teeny tiny little penises.
3. I think WW have fought hard to be an equal partner in a relationship and may be AM do not want that.
4. I think in some cases it's true but I think a woman can have both.
5. Shouldn't the question be "who wants to fuck a fat woman?" Other than being quite prejucicial, it's would have to determine just how fat that woman is. But also, what woman wants to fuck a fat man?
6. I think product sales prove that WW have not stopped caring about their appearance. I do think that a certain self-acceptance has taken place but I don't think it's led to complacency. Personally, I don't care for overweight women who wear ill-fitting clothes. A woman should wear what makes her attractive.
7. No

4:49 am  
Blogger witch-hunter said...

I'd just like to answer 6.

6. Do readers of this blog think that Western women have stopped caring about their appearance? How do Western men and women feel when they see obese Westerners wearing a small top that exposes their midrift????

Put simply, modern clothes worn by western women reveal to much - they are saying "look at me! All I am is a sexual being!" And we are supposed to take these women seriously?

Women in many other cultures - particularly some parts of asia - are more free than western women because the men have the option of treating them like human.

Of course, this could just be me being male chavinist but western women play on the hormones of western men, meaning that women from outside the west are simply more trustworthy.

I could ramble on more on this, but I won't

8:33 pm  
Blogger Ricky said...

6. No, those obese people actually think they look attractive, that's the problem!

8:19 pm  
Blogger C. Hedges said...

It depends on where you are. I see a lot of black men with white women of various shapes and sizes where I am.

Black women and white guys are starting to become fairly common also.

I think a lot of the mix has to do with people seeing their own regular women/men as being "all the same" or "boring."

12:49 pm  

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