Ten Things That Might Piss You off About Thailand
1. Discovering that you are a lazy bastard and won't learn the language. Most however make great excuses about their inadequacies in this area.
2. Bars closing at one am and the constant risk of being held for hours whilst mass urine testing takes place.
3. Discovering that you will find living in the West impossible after living here. Please note though there are lots of other great non western places to live.
4. The assumptions made by Thais about what you like , think and how you behave based on stereotypes that they base all humans on who are not Thai.
5. Getting arrested on an immigration technicality on a Friday and spending the weekend in Suan Plu nick as no work is done until Monday.
6. Banks here.
7. The fact that as a westerner you are a target for every low life hooker disguised as a chameleon in all sorts of 'real' jobs who will drive you insane with her lies that just roll off her tongue .The most infuriating are those that she didn't need to have told. Thai women make great mistresses but lousy primary partners.(A rolling stone gathers no moss!)
7. Bargkok traffic when it rains.
8. Westerners during Songkran.
9. Visa runs and English teachers.
10. The current prime minister.
bars close at 1am? Thailand just dropped ten places in my "most desirable countries to live in" list...;)
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