Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Day 2 Lemonade Fast 0732hrs

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Day 2 Lemonade Fast 0732hrs

Weighed in at 94kg. Down two kg which I think is a bit drastic!!

Slept like a baby although woke up a few times in the night with a full bladder which is only to be expected after all the water that I drank.

Went out to the bar last night just to test my willpower. It was as strong as I thought it would be.

One thing I have noticed is that I am becoming more sensitive to everything. All my senses are starting to prickle at any stimulus. Feel full of energy but for someone who loves his food like I do, finding something to do at foodtime is a bit tough. It's not that I am craving food rather I enjoy the activity of preparing food for myself or indeed Ralph. Ralph just started today on the fast... lets see how she does on it.


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