Thai Bar Staff Wages etc
How much do Thai bar girls get paid? Here are their terms and conditions - plus those of brothel workers and massage girls too. The benefits package isn't very tempting but, on the plus side, they get to meet lots of interesting new people.
Bar girls
Bar girls' salaries range from 2,000 to 6,000 baht per month. Here are some of their work rules.
- Only two days off permitted a month, or they must pay 300 baht a day for extra leave days.
- No leave permitted on Fridays, Saturdays and national holidays. Otherwise, fines range from 500 to 1,000 baht a day.
- Must go out with the clients four to 10 times a month or pay fine of 500 baht for each missed quota.
- Must sell 80-100 drinks to clients or pay 30 baht a drink for the missed quota.
- Must have health check-up every three months. If the blood test is positive for sexually transmitted diseases, they will not get the salary for that month.
- Must wear the outfits arranged by the bars or pay the fine of 100 to 200 baht.
- Must not use the clients' restrooms.
- Must not eat during work hours.
- Must buy own drinking water.
Brothel workers
Sex workers in brothels do not get a salary. They get a 50 percent share of what the clients pay. Here are their work rules:
- Work hours start from 6pm to midnight or around the clock depending on clients' visits.
- No days off.
- Must stay in brothels or in the places set by the brothel owner.
- Must pay the police 50 baht a day.
- Must pay for food and accommodation 200 baht a day.
- Must pay for condoms.
- Must have health check-ups once a week.
- Those who are indebted to the brothel owner must be accompanied by brothel personnel when they go out.
Massage women
Sex workers at massage parlours do not get a salary. They get their share from what the clients pay for the service. Here are their work rules:
- Must follow the work hours set by the business operator.
- Must inform leave days in advance.
- Must meet the number of clients set by the operator.
- Must observe the dress code set by the operator.
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