Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: Finished the fast and been to Phuket.

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Friday, May 19, 2006

Finished the fast and been to Phuket.

Finished the fast after seven days having lost seven kilos. I really didn't feel like doing the full ten days as it just became too much effort for me to be without my life for so long.

Breaking the fast they say is more important than starting and to be sure you must break it gently with vegetables , broth and brown rice. Ralph decided in her wisdom to break it with mutton curry from Rang Mahal (indian restaurant in Rembrandt Hotel sukhumvit soi 18) and paid a dear price.

Your stomach shrinks during the fast and as it has just endured a legnthy period of no fat WHATSOEVER a portion of mutton ring sting curry will not be tolerated.

The fasting is highly recommended for all especially those who like me have a somewhat helter skelter lifestyle. The most important benefit that I feel from it is the newfound awareness I seem to have concerning what I put into my body and when. I cringe at deep fried food preferring smaller and if possible raw food whenever possible. My insatiable desire for wine however has not been diminished in anyway at all.


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