Now on the air asia flight back from Phuket after spending a shortened weekend there with Ralph.Shortened??? Well I got sick as a dog and spent Saturday sleeping and firing out of both orifices after getting poisoned either by sushi or a greek meal that was snaffled on Friday night. Not a pleasant time for Ralph by any means and as the rainy season was doing its worst we decided to cut our trip short and head back to Bangkok.
Bit of an update on my Private Dancer leasing of a whore project. She is now aware that I know of her starring role on Asia street Meat and apparantly this is making her crazy.
In some true twisted goatish way it appear that somehow I am to blame for knowing about her attempt to become known world famous.
'I vary sory my love.I miss u evary time.U number one for me.I stupid girl'....sms message
And so the story goes di da di di da di....
According to friends and family the said goat is truelly messed up....I am intrigued about how in anyway she could be upset about what happened but my better judgement tells me to stay away. Its been many months now since my seed has been sprayed so I think that it is time to get my weapon out and go cut me one from the herd.
Its always a difficult rut to break free from when you temporarily break from Goating. Its something to remember when you start to think of them as people with the morality that comes with that. They don't think of you as human so don't make the stupid mistake of imagining that they are anything more than just goats. They may for sure love you.... But Goat love just ain't the real thing.
Oh and before the overweight fat white women start emailing me with abuse (you know who you are FATTY!!) .....please remember that I do have the real love thing in my life. I just like to be as polygamous as I can.
Is a crime to want the whole cute female population of Asia to love me? Well maybe not love me, but if they are cute at least lie on their backs, open their legs and let me try 'em out!!
All abusive emails , supports and money are welcome. You can donate to me if you want by using the link on the left.
Welcome back buddy...
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