Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!: June 2006

Expat life in Bangkok White Boys in Asia....and their women!

Just my notes and stories about Expat life in Bangkok. Our frustrations, our laughs! Despite it all Bangkok is still the best place to live and we ENJOY it!!


Does Your Isaan Goat Wear Braces????


Thursday, June 15, 2006

We have moved!

Hey to all readers we have now moved to www.whiteboysinasia.com .

We think blogger is cool but we need to be just a little more organised if this blog is to continue.

Take care,
Da Wizard

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Death Of Zarqawi

The death of every human being is a tragedy. The death of Mr. al-Zarqawi means the continuation of the violence and revenge that took the life of my son. This will mean an increase in violence and resistance to the occupation of Iraq by the US military. I sincerely wish the Iraqi people and the US soldiers who believe they are protecting us good fortune in weathering the upcoming violence.

Michael Berg
June 8, 2006

Very interesting this statement bearing in mind Zarqawi cut this man's son's head off with a carving knife on video. He does make a point though here. As much as Bush feels justified in killing Zarqawi I am sure that Zarqawi felt equally as justified in killing Berg.(I personally think Zarqawi was a pig.)

Rumsfeld said today that he thought that Z. was the man in the world who had the most innocent blood on his hands. Well I think George W. holds that prize with 100 000 innocent Iraquis killed so far as collateral damage. Viewers on the news today emailed the BBc saying that 'people forget 9/11 too easily... I am sorry but I think that people haven't even begun to lok at WHY these heathen scumball terrorists flew those planes into those magnificent buildings.

Only when that happens will we start to end this ridiculous war on terror which is in fact a diversion as the neo cons steal the worlds assets as they have done since time began.

Shame Berg dresses like a tree hugger.....

Friday, June 09, 2006

King Of Thailand's Ascension to the Throne.

An amazing day in Amazing Thailand again. To see so many people wearing yellow shirts signifying the Thai people's love for their King is something that we in the West should not forget.

Such sentiments in the past have kept the Great in Great Britain and the same is so true in Thailand. To have a human being held in almost Godlike reverence at first seems to be so anti democratic and not modern at all. The reality is so far from the truth. Imagine a man who can inspire the hearts of 70million Thai people by his untiring travel to the poor thoroughout the country and his ingenuity in making life for the Thai people better.

The powerful Elite who run this country on a daily basis with their avarice and guns will do nothing to displease the King who can call his people on or off the streets at whim ; a power he has used so cleverly and sparingly throughout his reign.

If the US had such a great man able comment and influence the politicians more so than the Industrialists and the like.... I think the world would be a better place.

Sure the Elite will continue to keep the masses poor and illeducated but this once Boy King who people thought would just be a Pawn of the Elite has turned into what the BBC described this morning as 'the guardian of democracy without whom the Thais can barely imagine'.

A truelly great man and I hope he lives forever for without him many of the things that we cherish about Thailand may pass with him.