Project Prostitute At An End
Da Wizard is currently on a course, working long hours and of course partying a lot so Da Blog has been neglected. Trust me I have a lot of real life material to be published soon.
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So why has the Muslim world not burned down Malaysian Embassies???
KUCHING: The Sarawak Tribune has apologised to the Muslim community for the publication of the caricatures of Prophet Muhammad.
The newspaper's publisher and editorial committee said they were "very sorry" for any damage or hurt caused to the Muslim community in the reproduction of the cartoons in its Feb 4 edition.
In an apology published on the daily's front page yesterday, they said the daily agreed with its readers that there was no excuse for the publication, and expressed regret over it.
In Putrajaya, Sarawak Tribune managing director Datuk Idris Buang said that as Lester Melanyi, the editor-on-duty for the edition in which the cartoons appeared, had resigned it was not necessary for the chief editor to go, too.
"Only one person made a mistake so the rest who are innocent should not be punished also," he said when responding to Umno Youth's call for the resignation of the newspaper's chief editor and the suspension of the newspaper.
He said that what was most important was for truth and justice to prevail, adding that the newspaper had more than 300 staff.
He was speaking to reporters here yesterday after presenting a written explanation to Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Noh Omar on why action should not be taken against Sarawak Tribune for publishing the caricatures.
In Ipoh, DAP Socialist Youth chief Nga Kor Ming said the publication permit of Sarawak Tribune should not be withdrawn as the editor-on-duty had quit.
In Kuala Lumpur, PAS Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub said after Friday prayers at Masjid Kampung Baru, the party would lead a peaceful march to the Danish embassy to hand over a memorandum protesting against the caricatures.
He distanced himself from the violent protests which had taken place elsewhere saying that it was not the Islamic way.
We see a loss of sane thinking in the popular disposition towards the Islamic religion. Political correctness states that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. History and current history state the diametric opposite to be the case. Yet in the aftermath of September 11th, Tony Blair and George Bush Jr, rush before the TV cameras to insist that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.
· We are expected to ignore the fact that thousands of Moslems demonstrated in Trafalgar Square against the institution of democracy, demanding that Britain adopt the feudalistic Islamic form of government.
· We are expected to forget that Moslem history supports the contentions of Osama bin Laden and Yasser Arafat, that their's is the true Islam and that Moslems not agreeing with terrorism and murder have apostatized from true Islam.
· We are expected to forget that Islam admits that Mohammed was a paedophile who married a 6 year old girl Aisha, and took her virginity when she was the age of 9. And yet heathens will try explain this away by saying that Aisha had already reached puberty!
· We are expected to forget that 70-80 year old Saudi men were exposed on prime time American TV buying little girls from impoverished families in India, justifying it on the basis of the fact that their prophet Mohammed was a paedophile.
· Islam is still, we are expected to believe, a civilized religion.
· We are expected to ignore the fact that even small Christian girls, abducted in Moslem societies, are forcibly subjected to clitorectomy (female circumcision), often performed on queues of them with the same rusty razor blade under highly septic conditions, in the name of the faith of the Koran.
· We are similarly expected to ignore the fact that 1,000 British girls a year are taken to Islamic countries and forced to become one of the four wives of people they have never met, often, not infrequently, blood relatives as old as 60 years of age.
· Islam, we are told, is a moral religion and such practices, we are expected to believe, have nothing to do with Islam.
Who, other than Moslems, religiously engage in such disgusting abuses of human rights?
If Islam is a civilized faith of justice and virtue,
· where is the justice in the feudalism of nearly the entire Islamic world?
· Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women and even slavery?
If Islam is the faith of tolerance, as Bush, Blair and their Moslem acquaintances insist,
· where does tolerance exist anywhere in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!
If Islam is a faith of peace, as the politically correct media continually misrepresents it as being,
· why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are in all of the other religious groups in the world put together?
Once more, the White House, 10 Downing St, and CNN expect us to relegate common sense to the status of prejudice, in a new world view designed to facilitate a New World Order (a term first coined by Bush Snr), where reason becomes unreasonable.
In this "new think", we are expected to believe that neither Lockerbie, nor September 11th , nor the assassination of Robert Kennedy, nor the suicide bombing of American embassies, nor the endless stream of Islamic outrages perpetrated against the nation Israel, had anything to do with Islam. Who did such things? Was it the Quakers? Now a Byron California school system is requiring 7th Grade students to take courses in Islam. One thing we may be certain that the syllabus will not contain, however, is the fact that nowhere in the Moslem world would courses on Christianity be allowed, let alone required as mandatory curriculum. Such an absence of reason means that Islam will not have to destroy the West with jihad, the West has become far too adept at destroying itself.
We are expected to believe that,
· as was demonstrated by the involvement of senior Bush administration officials with Enron, and the fact that Bush and Cheney are owned and operated by Texas oil interests, has nothing to do with their unwillingness to stand up to the House of Saud and the Wahabi sect of Islam in Saudi Arabia, which decapitates Christians and finances Islamic extremism globally.
· We are expected to forget that Bush's father was vice-president of an administration that supplied weapons to the Islamic terrorist government of Iran, and then denied it.
· We are expected to forget that, as a former CIA Director, Bush Senior saw American commandos training Gadaffi's terrorists in Libya, and as President, he left Saddam Hussein in power and now the disgraceful Bush legacy of Islamic appeasement is perpetuated by his son, who appeared on TV after September 11th singing the praises of Islam at an Islamic institution in Washington and allowing the US postal service to issue a stamp commemorating Ramadan.
· Islam is a religion, which interprets kindness as weakness and by calling for a Palestinian state in the aftermath of September 11th, the only signal Bush sent to the Moslem world was that "terrorism works, we are winning the jihad, allah is giving us the victory, America is making concessions out of fear."
· We are expected to pretend that none of this has anything to do with the politics of Arab oil and the economics of petrol dollars recycled through the banks of London and New York.
· We are expected to forget that 18 months prior to September 11th, Vladimir Putin warned Tony Blair that the Islamic terrorism he was fighting in Chechnya would soon arrive in the West and that the western position towards Serbia, who was fighting the Islamic Kosovo Liberation Army, backed by Al Qaeda, was unbalanced when Blair and Clinton intervened militarily on the side of the Moslems in defiance of the NATO treaty, which only allows intervention when a NATO country is attacked.
· We are also expected to forget that prior to September 11th, the Israeli Government had repeatedly warned the White House that the Islamic terrorism they live with would soon become a reality in the American mainland, whilst Bush held a Ramadan celebration in the White House and failed to attack Kandahar and Kabul to kill bin Laden and Mohammed Omar before they were able to escape, for fear of offending the oil interests and their House of Saudi partners. No-one enjoys the death of civilians, but the priority of the Western governments must be the lives of their own citizens.
· We are expected to believe that it could have nothing to do with the oil interests who control the Bush White House, that America limited its response to September 11th to Afghanistan instead of launching air strikes against Yemen, Libya, Iraq and the Bekka Valley of Lebanon and allowing the Israelis to bomb Damascus in retaliation for the assassination of an Israeli cabinet member by a Syrian based Islamic terror organization.
Despite all of this and more, Bush still states that Islam is a religion of tolerance, and political correctness says that we are expected to believe this obvious and dangerous lie.
· We are expected to believe it despite the fact that in one poll, 40% of British Moslems expressed support for bin Laden. Instead of protecting British and American citizens, the way that Putin protected Russian citizens from the cancer of militant Islam, Blair and Bush reject the clear need for the mass deportation of Moslems not holding British or American citizenship and the closure of mosques funded by militantly orientated Islamic interests and governments; but would rather leave their own citizens at risk of further terrorism. "Islam", the politicians tell us, "is a religion of tolerance and peace that believes in justice".
In being expected to believe that Islam is a peaceable, tolerant and just religion, we are expected to suspend our powers of reason and to pretend that it is not an irrefutable fact that there is not a single Moslem country in the world that is an authentic democracy and that there is not a single Islamic country in the world where Christians are not persecuted. Our politicians expect us to believe their rhetoric and to accept at face value the propaganda of Moslems living in the West that their religion is not one of hostility towards the West, nor towards the Judeo-Christian faith, despite the fact that while the Saudi Arabians fund the construction of mosques all over Britain, America and elsewhere, these same heathens, who decapitate people for becoming Christians, will not allow the construction of a single church in Saudi Arabia. TOLERANCE??
These are blatant facts the Blair Government and the Bush White House expect us all to ignore.
· We are expected to forget the 200,000 Christian refugees in East Timor - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· We are expected to forget the 50,000 murdered in the Southern Philippines - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· We are expected to forget the World Trade Centre, Lockerbie and the Pentagon - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· We are expected to forget the Saudis hanging a 15 year old boy for his Christian faith while their country is under the strategic protection of America and Britain - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· We are expected to forget thousands upon thousands of Moslems rioting in the streets of Britain's cities, demanding the murder of Salmon Rushdie, a British citizen, for authoring a book they didn't like - - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· We are expected to forget the Islamic genocide in the Sudan and the church burnings in Nigeria - - Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?
· just as we are expected to believe that the 1000 little British girls forced into arranged marriages abroad each year has nothing to do with Islam,
· we are expected to believe that the Taliban, and for that matter, the entire history of Islam, with its bloody debauchery and unspeakable oppression of human rights, which continues to this day, in one Islamic country after another, has nothing to do with Islam!
Political correctness has indeed gone mad and reason is a casualty of a misguided sense of what brotherhood and equality actually are. Now we are expected to further ignore the absolute and incontrovertible fact that in their own backward countries, Moslems uniformly deny to others the same rights and privileges they aggressively demand from Great Britain, the USA and other civilized nations.