Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Words of Wisdom From A Thai Working Goat
Please everyone read this and tell me what is true?
Can any of you who read this please pick holes in the article for me? Or are we really waiting to be Islamified?
Can't stop thinking about the bombers

As its my blog I believe that I can pretty much do what I want and posting a pic from Camelot (Go-go Bar in Patpong) whilst remonstrating about the Paki Bombers in England is my right.
It really pisses me off when the Lord Mayor of London said that he wanted everyone who is holding religious services to make sure that they preached moderation and not extremism. I am sorry but why was that EXCLUSIVELY not delivered to the Muslims? We don't have a problem with Christian, Hindu or Jewish suicide bombers do we?
The headline in the Sun said 'the face of the Brit Bomber' showing the face of one of the 7th July bombers. Why did it not say 'face of the Paki Brit Bomber' or just the 'Paki Bomber'??? Clearly he considered himself in life more a Paki than Brit so why should we honour him in death as one of our own? To call someone (or indeed to write it here) a Paki is a criminal offence in the U.K. but to call someone a Brit is ok? I think they are both shortened versions of the country of origin! Are we as a society missing something here??? I think so!
Lets stop talking about the right to freedom of religion....lets talk about the right to travel on a train without fearing for your life. Surely that is the FIRST right we have to secure. After we have done that lets worry about having to secure rights for people to be religious. Religion is nothing but a Superstition used to control the masses and giving it so much credence when it is so so so very irrelavant in todays times is ridiculous.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Islam visited London again yesterday and thankfully nobody died:-
When there were claims that the
Koran was allegedly desecrated by the U.S. millions of Muslims throughout the
world demonstrated and rioted.
Our politicians and Muslim
moderate leaders last night again said Islam was desecrated by the actions of
the bombers.
So will we see today millions of Muslims throughout the world demonstrating and
Da Wizard reckons he already knows the answer to this and it doesn't need a magic spell to work it out!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Buddhist Lent! Everywhere shut so we is out tonite!!
The funny thing is though that for sure we will be able to find a watering hole tomorrow that is open and thousands of people will be consuming ANYWAY. When will they just leave us alone to spend our money and keep people in jobs???????
Also heard and read today on Metroblogging that P.M. Thaksin (Toxin as he is know to the expats) and his all powerful company Shin Corp. has been trying to slow down the development of the B.T.S. Skytrain development as it is owned by the Democrats.
Further to this Shin Corp. is now buying all the debts of the B.T.S. so will now be able to force the B.T.S to concur with what ever his meglomaniacal current desires are now. Scary all this power being thrown to so few these days huh????
So anyway we are gonna hit the town tonite and see what pics can be got. Should be a good night tonite as all the goats don't have to get up in the morning for work.
Lets hope that we survive it ok!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Where To Get Sex in Bangkok

1. Nana (BTS Station Nana)
3.Soi Cowboy (BTS Station Asok)
Expat food in abundance and loads of Goats. Comes alive at night and consists of one main strip between Soi 21 and Soi 23.As you can see from this picture Cowboy consists of a Garish strip that is full of bars which are full of goats. Prices same as I mentioned before.... Great Dutch food on the corner of Soi 23 at a place called the Old Dutch.
The strips are as safe as safe can be and its amazing that there is so much alcohol and so much nitelife around and yet so little violence.
Everynight is Saturday night here and believe it or not many people actually find there future wives and girlfriends here.
4.Patpong (BTS Station Sala Daeng)
Where it all began and Da Wizard's personal favourite. Silom Road has great bars and restaraunts and Soi Patpong is between Soi 4 and Soi 6. Its a couple of streets containing a night market and full to the brim with Go Go Bars. High energy music is what is played and it seems very intimidating. Its safe and the stories of drink rip offs etc are now nothing more than Urban Myths. Drinks are slightly higher than at Cowboy or Nana but this is the pulse of the Bangkok Tourist sex scene.
Patpong is now developing into a more sopisticated night out with four live music venues which contain a mixture of people, freelance Goats and straight girls can also be found. Da Wizard and Homer find it to be the most conveniant and easy instant party zone.
Patpong also has a few dingy soapy massage places where 1600-2200bht will get you the famous Thai Soapey experience. These massage places will also cater to couples I am told. If you are really serious about a soapey though the place to go is.............
5.Ratchadapisek Road (MRT Station Huay Kwang)
Now this is where it is at for the real meal deal. Lots of giant Entertainment complexes, sex for sale in opulent surroundings. This is not geared for the tourist although the tourist will be welcomed and people speak English. This is how the Asian men enjoy their extramarital affairs.
Plush and Glitzy almost casino like venues welcome you and in may places you can pick your girls from the Playboy or Penthouse Magazine that they have on the tables.
Yes you can nail a Penthouse Pet here for about 100$US but you don't need to spend that much if you don't wish to. Lots of Silicon tits here boys and Grandad reckons that they are more appreciative and give better service when they are not of movie star ilk. Da Wizard can't comment cos for 100$ I would rather pull myself and look at goat pics. The best places include Emmanuelle, Poseidon and Caesars. Drinks etc are no more expensive than Silom here but the quality of the girls is higher. Ratchada Soi 4 is currently the hottest night out for locals and whitey is welcomed with open arms (and legs) in all places. Here you can drink until dawn and avoid the Draconian laws that now close most Bangkok Nite Spots at 1am.
Thai Girls , Thai Bar Girls and Thai Prostitution Posting Points 1-10 Today Only!

I keep getting asked to write about it and its a tough one for me. Da Wizard likes to tell it how it is but we gotta also be aware that there are some rather nasty laws about people who offend Thai culture and we don't want the Gestapo kicking the door down and giving Da Wizard a frontal lobotomy do we? (Or maybe some of you do.....????)
I have thought about this piece for a long time...its a tough one so I reckon a check list is about the best way I can get it over. If you are offended....sorry go read the bible!!!
1. Prostitution is a worldwide phenomenon. Thailand's has less prostitutes per capita than Indonesia and many other countries. There is a lot more here than whores....
2. Most Thai girls are not prostitutes. Getting a real Thai girls is not difficult at all. If you visit here don't make the mistake of thinking that you can only get sex workers to sleep with you. I don't care how you look! Age doesn't matter!
3. A sex worker is regarded as lowly a station as anywhere else in the world but Thai society is more broad minded than the the West and women here see their role as women not as competitors to men.
4. I have never come across under age sex workers in Thailand but have seen them regularly in Indonesia.
5. Most Thai sex workers are from Isaan. Rice Farmer's Daughters or Goats is what we fondly refer to them as.
6. I don't know of anyone or know anyone who knows anyone who has caught H.I.V. UNLESS they were an I.V. drug user or Gay here in Thailand.
7. Most of the sex industry here is for the local population not the holidaymakers. The figures I have read are 95%.
8. I have never met or heard of any sex worker being trafficked or held in any sex slave type of environment. I am not staying that it doesn't go on but I haven't heard of it personally
9. Condoms are often used here in Thailand but very very RARELY are they insisted upon by sex workers. Thailand doesn't have the AIDS explosion that it should statistically have. I believe that HIV, Ilsamic fundamentalism, drugs are just created enemies by the corporate West to distract us all from the rape of our world by corporations. There is a huge Zionist conspiracy that I could go into here but I don't personally believe it 100% myself and I am not that well read on the matter.
10. Sex in Thailand is just great!
New Design for Da Blog
So please support us and click on a Google Ad...not sure how much we get but it doesn't cost you anything thats for sure and we need the extra income.
Oh ya and if anyone who reads my posts on Islam and gets offended ....Itta who is one of my closest friends is Muslim and fights her corner in healthy debate with me at any opportunity. If the whole world was as nicely Muslim as her then the world would be a better place.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Another Weekend Survived

Well we made it again. Always happy to get through to a Monday unscathed. Taking
chances and making bad decisions are something that we all do a little too often living here.
This snap was taken whilst zooming through Bangkok's infamous traffic on the back of a motorbike taxi. The mobile blogging thing isn't really working at the moment which is down to the mobile phone operator who's multimedia messaging isnt perfect as yet.
Saturday night was a full house at Lucifer's in Patpong after a great session in a new
Bar called 'Funky Dojo' which as great goats, superbly stocked bar and the best
sounds for a bar in Silom. Lets hope that the other bars follow suit and change
with the times.Decided to do something which is not really recommended and take a couple of snaps inside a go go bar. This bar is called Camelot on Patpong 1 and is in Da Wizard's and Homer's opinion got the nicest goats in Silom. Drinks are fairly priced and the music is good.
The current rate for paying a goat is 1000-2000bht whatever the 'time' short or long....if you pay more than that then you are not very clever and will not be respected by the goat either who will see you as a goon.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Thoughts on Terror
Bombs , draconian governments , blood and horror. Many people
would say that these are the gifts of Islam to the West and I too have felt that. However Islam was something I had never even thought of when I first went to live in Indonesia. Why would I? It's a group that don't eat pork and Da Wizard is often known as Bacon so it wasn't a group that I really felt any affiliation to but neither animosity.
Difference is what makes our world so colourful and hey I was off on my travels so colourful new cultures were part of what I wanted to explore as I was damned sick of my environment of birth.
Indonesia that I arrived in was a prosperous booming young place , a place of huge contrasts.... a world in one Nation is how they described it and I found the kaleidoscopic fabric of the place addictive. The poverty and wealth extremes didn't shock me and the poor people seemed a lot happier than the average person back in Europe. The climate and lack of material longing was my brief explanation on the reasons for that.
Then Suharto was deposed and it all changed.
Thousands of Chinese girls were raped by Muslim gangs across Java I remember the stories terrifying me. Mobs screaming "Allah Akbar"
dragging girls into the streets to be violated by many then left for dead. I
couldn't believe that these things were happening throughout this country that I had become so enamoured with.
Mob rapes occur throughout history but normally they occur during wars and I had not heard of or even thought about rape in the name of
religion???? I thought that all religions were peaceful.
So with the aid of the new 1998 Internet I started to research rape and religion. Disturbing stories around the world sprouted up all over the place. 60% of all rapists in Norway were Muslim but Muslim men only make up 4% of the population? Is Islam more prone to produce rapists than other religions? I don't have the space to cover the whole issue here but have a little Google around and you will find the facts (but hell you will find some junk too).
I started to ask my Indonesian girlfriends about rape and whether it was a commonplace in Indonesia. I was startled to discover that it was VERY VERY common. Then when I watched the Indonesian men and listened to their banter and wolf whistles I realised that although Islam does not teach nor condone rape it does
proliferate sexual immaturity which surely given the correct catalyst can be a pre cursor to rape? Da Wizard is a but an armchair commentator but again Google
around people!.... The truth is around you.
Then Sept 11th came and I cried when I listened to the heart wrenching phone calls that
were left as people said good bye to their loved ones, knowing that they would not survive. I couldn't believe it again.... how could somebody go out and commit such a heinous crime and kill themselves in the process. This was something again out of my brains ability to comprehend. So I looked around for answers and this is what I found.
1. Clearly Islam as practiced in Islamic countries is oppressive. Islam is allowed to flourish in any Christian country but crushes or at best makes life difficult for other religions in an Islamic country.
2. Islam believes in the Islamification of the world. Islam means 'to submit' . This is different from Christianity which wishes to Evangelise the world. Both are not good goals in my opinion but clearly I do not wish to 'submit'. There should be no Islamification in western countries. Wearing scary veils should no more be allowed than it is for me to wear a balaclava in public.
3.Palestine is the gaping wound of Islam... one that can be a justifiable rallying call and this problem must be solved. Zionism plays far to much of an important role in the world and our hypocrisy in choosing which countries we force to comply to UN resolutions is the cause of much of this worldwide terror. Solve Palestine and we will then be able to see if Islam really is a religion of peace.
4. Debate should be encouraged on the whole issue of religion. Lets have some scientific debate please on these superstitions. Lets stop politicians saying "God Bless America" and the like. If a national leader said "May the Force be with you" people would ridicule him. What's the difference? Lets keep religion out of politics.
Then came the Bali bomb. We escaped it as we left 9 months earlier to live in Thailand as we overheard Muslim extremists in Paddy's Bar talking about how immoral the people were. The Bali bomb was predicted by us and many more. Why did the Western governments not tell their people? Its highly likely to happen again.
The disgraceful way that Amrozi was allowed to behave in court shows how the Indonesians viewed the loss of life.
So now we have had terror visit the shores of the United Kingdom. Da Wizard thought that the emergency services did a sterling job and its amazing how few people actually
lost their lives. I am sure that is cold comfort to the families who lost their loved ones.
After the obvious calls for calm by politicians and some great words from 'Red' Ken Livingston we are now seeing the reality that exists in Britain and other Western countries. The BBC met up with some Muslim lads with their Northern English accents and asked them their views on the bombings. The lads answered in no uncertain terms that they denounced the bombs 100%. They then said that they think it is wrong when 'these English go into our Muslim brothers countries and murder our Muslim brothers and sisters'.
Now the reporter backed off immediately and didn't ask the question.... What do you mean by 'these English'????? and 'our Muslim brothers and sisters'??? These lads were showing clearly here that they Muslim first and do not themselves at heart consider themselves British. So here we see that the normal average Muslim youth feels alienated and not part of the Western system. The terribly extreme British National Party made this point:
" More than a tiny minority of young British Muslims support the extremist Hizb-ut-Tahrir party. Its ability to pack 7,000 of them into a conference in the Birmingham NEC last year would equate to nearly 200,000 young whites attending a KKK rally at Knebworth!"
Lets not let the extremeists on either side win. Simple minds can fall into the hands of the likes of the BNP and the situation will never improve if that happens.
What's the answer? The answer is clearly lets fix the causes of those feelings. Lets solve the problem in Palestine. It can be solved however the world must stand strong in its resolve supporting the UN and forcing those who don't comply with UN Resolutions to be punished equally. Always cowing to Israel's political might in the US is threatening the lives of each and every westerner. Solve that problem and we have a chance. Militarily we can not beat this enemy.
Alternatively those people who wield the extremists axe will cleverly win over the masses on either side as our freedoms are eroded by governments and then the very freedoms that we are trying to defend will be lost forever.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Blurry View
I will endeavour to sort it out ASAP.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
The Day the Towel Heads Bombed London.
Da Brown Shirts Again
Pretty amazing this blogging on the move.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I think this is now illegal
Homeless...hope he is a alive!
Mobile Blogging
This is my first blog post from a motor bike as we fly through the streets of Bangkok.
Live blog from Patpong....
London just got given the Olympic games for 2012...hope the world is still functioning by then.
Just sitting here down in Patpong watching all da goats go to work. Again we wonder are we the exploited or the exploiters? Can't be fucked going into the pros and cons of it as in reality its probably a bit of both. Not much is black and white here in SE Asia so it would be hard to feel strong about it either way really.
Good news about Blighty getting the games though....should put a few quid in the war coffers so we can bash whoever we are rowing with at that time whatever happens. It will also probably set us up to be more of a target for the men in rags though but hey if they could get us now they would anyway.
Talk of the town here in Thailand currently is the pm's desire to close everywhere down on Mondays so as to save energy cos of the high oil price. My god....basic choices are being taken away from us all right now with not a hint of shame.
Pretty incredible really in a country that relies so heavily on tourism. Still ours is not to reason why and anyway people power and the great corruption will mean that we shall continue to wet our beaks come what may.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Multimedia message...Mobile Blogging from Hospital
Note: Ralph is having a down the the throat cam done as I write this. She has a possible peptic ulcer. Sitting here outside the operating room waiting for her is pretty traumatic as I am sitting right by the ICU which means I am surrounded by distraught and weeping relatives whose energy is rubbing off and not making me feel great.
It makes my mind wander....what if the doc came out and said 'I am sorry but there was a complication...she didn't make it' would I deal with that? Would I just go pay the bill and go and get drunk or what? Where would I bury her? What would i do if her folks wanted her back home?
Awful thoughts but things we should speak about later for sure. I don't like hospitals but I don't really think anyone does and if they do they are fucking weird.
I dislike being reminded so harshly about our mortality. Inevitable is not a word that sits well with me....we make our own luck...don't we?
Just being here gives me internal aches and pains. Intense paranoia and that repulsive hospital smell make me want to make a mad dash for it and get back to my safe world of fun and frolics combined with sufficient commerce to keep my sanity.
They just wheeled out a squawking bundle from the op room....pat the weeping family....cliche thoughts of one life ending as another begins as the wheel keeps turning flash through my mind....but its all fucked really isn't it?
God its now been an hour and half since Ralph went in for a supposed 10 minute procedure....No one here to ask either.
Oh ya we are in The Bangkok Christian Hospits in Silom...its close to home, cheap and seems fine. Its a bit ragged around the edges but no worse than a UK hospital and certainly like a five star place when compared to the hospitals in Bali.
The lady sitting next to me who looked like she wanted to chat just got wheeled off. I thought that she was a spectator like me not a victim. She left giving me a wavelike we knew eash other. An Asian woman alone in hospital is truelly alone. There is always a gaggle of friends and family around....A Thai Eleanor least I waved back at her. I considered the double wave but thought that was a bit informal but maybeit would have made her day?
A man of African origin just got let oput of a side doorand now is noisily hawking up nearby...euch.
The Food Walla is wheeling past me now....christ I feel like part of the furniture here already. I wonder will they offer me a bite to eat....where is Ralph?
Ah she just walked past me...said 'Hi' then disappeared...didn't stop the selfish bitch...well at least she's not dead....would be a helluva waste of six years training if they killed her......
All done...results Monday....they took a biopsy..... :(